Singa – Ykee Benda (2018)

While at University I Met a girl (Algerian) we became best of friends, We shared almost everything apart from the physical, We fought on a daily about Islam vs Christianity, We did everything together. It was the very first time I fell for a woman without having the intentions when we first met. She changed my life and have never seen a heart more pure. We fell in love so deep a day apart I could barely accomplish anything. I told her I wanted to marry her and bring her with me to Uganda. And she wanted nothing less but to spend the rest of her life with me. As young as we were I asked for a sit down with the father, He agreed cause he had never seen his daughter that happy since she was born. I gave my speech infront of him and the Daughter. He told me this could never happen and we should find it in our hearts to forget eachother. I pleaded with him for over two hours making all kinds of promises and he told me he could never let his only daughter leave Algeria to marry a Ugandan. I was left with afew months to come home.They blocked us from communicating or seeing eachother. I must say that was the toughest time of my life EVER.

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