Cheta – Ada Ehi

ADA EHI – Cheta Lyrics

Cheta, cheta, chetaI am God and I never failCheta, chetaYesterday, today and forever the sameCheta, chetaEchezokwala ohCheta, cheta, remember
Abum, Abum, Abum, AbumAbum, Abum, Abum, AbumI am JehovahAbum AbumAnd I am ableAbum Abum
Is anything too hard for meIs it ever too late for meWhatever is it AbumI am forever the same
ChetaI am God and I never failCheta, chetaYesterday, today and forever the sameCheta, chetaEchezokwala ohCheta, cheta, Aaah
The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (I am)Who makes dry bone to rise again (I am)Let there be light and the world began (I am)So you can call me (I am I am)
Who gives the barren a song to sing (I am)Who makes the dead rise again (I am)The first and last, beginning and the endAnd I’m forever the same
Is anything too hard for meIs it ever too late for meWhatever it is (I am)I’m forever there same
Whatever it is AbumWhatever you need AbumIn every situation (I am)
Obimo chetaI’m bigger than what people sayObimo chetaI’m forever the sameObimo cheta
You are not aloneYou are not aloneYou are not alone oh oh ohYou are not alone oh oh oh oh oh
Obimo chetaBigger than what people sayObimo chetaI am forever the sameObimo chetaYou are not alone
Cheta chetaI am God and I never failCheta chetaYesterday today and forever the sameCheta chetaEchezonana oh chetaCheta chetaEchezokwala oh chetaCheta chetaEchefunana oh oh ohCheta chetaRemember and never forget it at all
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